Tuesday, December 13, 2011

December 12th and 13♥

Yes, I know, again! I didn't post yesterday! Haha, but I really need to focus on my grades right now since exams are coming up, so excuse me if posting is spotty/low quality.  I don't think my last few posts have been all that great... but that'll change when Christmas break comes! It's so close I can taste it! Ok, enough rambling. Today, I'm showing you guys this /awesome/ thing I got at that Christmas party I went to on Saturday.  We did a gift swap type game, and I ended up with this...
It's a little smores and hot coco set! I think it's adorable. My little sister and I had alot of fun drinking hot coco together in those cute mugs :)
Oh and then these pictures have nothing to do with my winter or Christmas theme I'm doing for December, but I just thought I should share them, mostly because this post needs a bit more substance.

That's right. Be jealous of my Walrus beanie baby. Be very jealous.


  1. You are so cute! I love beanie babies too!

    found the route

  2. First...that little thang is awesome! Who doesn't love some smores? And second...your glasses are TOO cute & I LOVE them :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  3. You're adorable! Love your glasses. Very cute blog.


  4. Absolutely LOVE your glasses! Can't wait for those two weeks off for christmas holidays, and reading your future posts!

  5. That set is so adorable lol! :)x
    just followed:D

